Handwriting changes over time. If you have noticed a change in your handwriting and particularly your signature, please update your signature on file with the Duval County Supervisor of Elections Office. It is important that we have your current signature on file. Your signature is used to verify your vote-by-mail ballot and/or candidate and initiative petitions. If your signature has changed, you may update it at any time by submitting a new voter registration application.
Power of attorney does not apply to voter registration. Another person may not sign for you. If for any medical or other reasons you are unable to sign your complete name, please submit any mark you are capable of making. For voter registration purposes this mark will be deemed your signature. Voters may update their signature by completing and mailing a voter registration application to the supervisor of elections.
All signature updates for use in verifying vote-by-mail and provisional ballots must be received by our office before the elector’s ballot is received by the supervisor or, in the case of provisional ballots, before the elector’s ballot is cast. (f.s. 98.077)