Update Signature

DEADLINE TO UPDATE A SIGNATURE: A signature update must be received by the Duval County Supervisor of Elections before the voter’s ballot is received by the Supervisor of Elections Office. 

If you are an overseas voter and/or a member of the uniformed services or Merchant Marine or spouse or dependent of such member: You can update your signature AND request vote-by-mail ballots simultaneously.

(How do I update my signature if I am a civilian living within the United States?)

To update your signature AND request vote-by-mail ballots, follow the steps just below. 

• Print the Federal Post Card Application (FPCA) (only permitted for use by overseas voters and/or members of the uniformed services or merchant marine or spouse or dependents of such members).
• Complete the FPCA with handwritten signature.
• Return the completed FPCA by email (preferably as an attachment) to duvaluocava@duvalelections.gov, by fax to (904) 301-3867, or by mail to UOCAVA TEAM, SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS OFFICE, 105 E MONROE ST, JACKSONVILLE FL 32202.

Other ways to obtain an application:

•    You can request that the Supervisor of Elections mail an application to you by contacting the Military and Overseas Voting Team.
(Whom do I contact if I’m a civilian voter living within the United States and its territories?)
•    You can visit the Supervisor of Elections Office (105 E. Monroe St., Jacksonville, FL 32202) where you may complete and drop off the application.

Additionally, Florida Voter Registration Applications (FVRAs) are available at any Jacksonville Public Library where there is also a drop box for completed applications. 

If you have questions, please contact the Military and Overseas Voting Team.

Section 98.077, Fla. Stat. (2023)

Federal Voting Assistance Program (2024). 2024-25 Voting Assistance Guide. 